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(More customer reviews)Dr. Gary Stoner at Ohio State University has done a great deal of research on black raspberries; he discovered that ellagic acid inhibited tumor growth. Dr. Stoner's articles on black raspberries appears in the first Comment.
Black raspberries have prevented cancers in Stoner's lab rats. He is conducting human trials to determine whether black raspberries (and in what forms) will prevent human cancers. Early studies show that the berries slow tumor growth, and reduce cancer risk significantly.
The richest source of ellagic acid: an effective anti-tumor agent but only in the seeds and the pulp, not the juice.
The highest anti-oxidant activity of any other berry.
High in anthocyanins, anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories that give the dark purple color.
Dr. Stoner's patients are given 2 ounces of freeze-dried black raspberries daily, the equivalent of about a pound of berries a day.
Whole fresh berries are hard to find and available only a few weeks a year, and subject to rot. Trader Joes sells frozen black raspberries in our area, but they are not always available. Strawberries and blackberries are a pretty good substitute, but blueberries, despite their heart benefits, don't help as an anti-cancer agent.
Willamette Valley Fruit Company is a good and reliable source of frozen black raspberries if you don't have a local source; we've purchased their products several times in the past. They offer two sizes of packaging: Willamette Valley Fruit Company Black Raspberry All-Natural IQF Frozen Fruit, 2-Pound Reusable Polybags (Pack of 3) and Willamette Valley Fruit Company Black Raspberry All-Natural IQF Frozen Fruit, 8-Pound Bulk Box.
Robert C. Ross 2009
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Willamette Valley Fruit Company Black Raspberry All-Natural IQF Frozen Fruit, 2-Pound Reusable Polybags (Pack of 3)Product Description: Only the top 20 percent of our berries make the grade for this fancy product. This fruit is ripe, sweet, and full of flavor as it was freshly picked, cleaned, and Individually Quick Frozen (IQF). These polybags are clear, so that you can clearly see the quality and character of the fruit. They also contain a reusable Ziploc seal. Just pour out what you want for your smoothie, cereal, pancakes, or your favorite recipe, and save the rest for later.The Willamette Valley is host to a plethora of fertile ground and a moderate climate ideal for farming.It is well known throughout the country that the Northwest is considered one of the agricultural capitols of the world, producing premium quality foods that are second to none.These rave reviews would not be directed toward this locale without the hard work and dedication of the many farmers who annually harvest thousands of acres across the valley.Here at Willamette Valley Fruit Company, we are known in the marketplace as a quality supplier of high-end fruit products.We strive to make our customers happy each and everyday with excellent service as well.Perhaps most important though, is the understanding that quality starts from the ground up.We would not be where we are today without the 20 local growers we work with year after year who bring us mouth-watering fruits and berries.We are able to freeze their fruit at the peak of ripeness so consumers can enjoy delicious and healthful treats all year long!
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