
The Republic of Tea, Pomegranate Green Tea Decaf, 50-Count Review

The Republic of Tea, Pomegranate Green Tea Decaf, 50-Count
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I discovered this tea last winter during a dinner out to a pricey, gourmet Asian fusion restaurant. When I asked for iced tea, I got served THIS is a bottle. Despite the crazy price they had, I ordered another cause it rocked my taste buds. I decided to make the iced tea myself from the tea bags, and it's just as good0--if not better--than the bottled version.

This has a beautiful fruity flavor, an exquisitely eye-pleasing red color, and while it's delicious hot, it totally kills over ice. I can't get enough of it.

I fortunately found it at a local Fresh Market, but if no store has it in your area, definitely order it online. So worth it. You get the benefit of green tea with the amazingly uplifting flavor and color of pomegranate.YUM!!!

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Product Description:
Superfruit Tea We are proud to use real, all natural Pomegranate juice in this blend of fine China green tea. The glistening crimson seeds of the pomegranate fruit are deliciously sweet and heavy with juice. Fresh and crisp China green tea creates an ideal base for this ruby-hued blend. Antioxidants are abundant in each cup... Sip the day away because your body truly is your temple. Gluten Free

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